Lipo Enzymes 1st generation 4 sessions

Treatment details

Lipo Enzymes 1st generation 4 sessions in Mexico City

Lipo Enzimas 1era generación 4 sesiones en Polanco
“4 sessions for the figure you want.”
Applied recombinant enzyme treatment resulting in rupture of fat cells. ideal for people looking to dissolve localized fat, fluid retention and stimulate collagen production. It also helps improve post-surgical fibrosis. *the session contains hyaluronidase, collagenase and lipase. The number of sessions will be determined by medical evaluation. *includes 4 sessions. spaced each 15 days apart.


Facial Harmonization Clinics

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Lipo Enzimas 1era generación 4 sesiones en Polanco

Lipo Enzimas 1era generación en Polanco

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1st Generation Lipoenzyme Treatment

How does it work?

1st Generation Lipoenzyme treatment is an advanced and minimally invasive technique that uses specific enzymes to break down and eliminate fat located in certain areas of the body. This procedure is developed in several steps to ensure effective and safe results:

  1. Initial Consultation:

    • Before treatment, a consultation is carried out to assess the patient's suitability and determine the areas to be treated.
  2. Area Preparation:

    • The selected area is cleaned and disinfected to avoid infection.
  3. Application of Lipoenzymes:

    • The lipoenzymes are injected directly into the adipose tissue. These enzymes work by breaking down fat cells, converting them into substances that the body can eliminate naturally.
  4. Decomposition and Disposal:

    • Upon application, enzymes begin to work, breaking down fat cells in localized areas. The body subsequently eliminates this waste through natural elimination processes.
  5. Subsequent Sessions:

    • Depending on the volume of the area to be treated and the desired results, several sessions may be necessary, with an adequate time interval between each one to allow recovery and evaluation of the results.
  6. Post-Treatment Care:

    • Specific recommendations are given for post-treatment care, which may include avoiding direct sun exposure and performing gentle massages on the treated area.


  • Localized Fat Reduction: This treatment is especially effective in addressing areas of stubborn fat that are difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise.

  • Minimally Invasive: Being a non-surgical procedure, the associated risks and recovery time are generally lower compared to more invasive procedures.

  • Customizable Results: Treatment can be tailored to individual needs, allowing for a targeted and personalized approach.

The 1st Generation Lipoenzyme treatment offers an innovative solution for those seeking to improve their body contour by reducing localized fat safely and effectively.

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Post-treatment recommendations for Lipo Enzymes 1st generation 4 sessions

‘-Evitar la exposición al sol al menos 1 semana posterior al tratamiento. -Reducir ingesta de carbohidratos y evitar grasas en exceso, mantener buena hidratación y realizar actividad física regular. -Evitar ejercicio intenso las primeras 48 horas. -No aplicar compresas frías o hielo.



todos nuestros tratamientos médicos son realizados por médicos certificados y especializados en medicina estética

Dr. Rolando Mendoza

Director Médico FACEUP CLINICS México Cédula: #8608665

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